28 September 2011

love's march

Been to the give-away maker. Haggled. Bought additional parts and it's making me excited for the end of the month. I hope they turn out good.
Mama had been a great company today. I knew things are different with her street-smarts on use. We also found the needed candles. We weren't really looking for it yet, but found one that I really wanted to have. It's price is a bit fancy, but I read from a blog before that it's good to lit the same wedding  unity candle every anniversary. Now that gives the run of our money.
Mama also asked how much do I need to pay for the bridal gown. I probably blushed when I said the amount (It's not an arm and a leg though. I just didn't want to oblige her of support for she has been very caring already with matters needed done and preparing; and also because so far we have been enjoying all the planning at our own choice and--own expense. Haha). Nonetheless, she repeated the amount with a clarifying sound and then said, she will shoulder it. Waaaaaaah... I hugged her. And my head voluntarily buried itself in her shoulders. I was sooooo happy. Not because we would save some wad but because I will have a wedding gown from her. Yes, from her. I am a genuine sentimentalist, I know. But this one is different. This means I will be walking the aisle with the embrace of her motherhood and personhood. I am so delighted. So happy already. I promised myself I wouldn't cry when I do the march, but the blessing (not just the gown, but the release and love) might probably make me bawl big time. (I still hope I won't. Mahal ang makeup. Toinkz!).
i love you, mama.


kenius08 said...

we will miss you pas! T.T #tears

purethoughts said...

wow!! that is such a great blessing doice! sent the .. via Paypal pala..much love!

pasto♛ej said...

@kenius08 ----naa bitaw instagram, murag duol gihapon na! hehehe

pasto♛ej said...

@ate Raya------thank you sooooo much ate!!! God bless you and your fam more!!! Arangkada Thailand ministry!<3

Blessy said...

#tears! and #tears

thank you Lord for the grace of mother-daughter friendship/ relationship... <3

heart to heart



