17 August 2011


A musing: Before the evening ended at the pamamanhikan, I was very elated when Tita Nars (Gen’s mom) asked me for a hug because I was the one she was praying for a long time and that I would finally be her daughter-in-law. I was tearful. Not many girls are blessed to have a very sweet and prayerful mother-in-law (soon). I said a secret prayer to the Lord, “God, You are so faithful in Your ways. I have only desired that someday, I would get in-laws that I could get along with (Well, in-laws *should* get along–it’s more of an effort, right?). Now, You are giving me those who share the same heart and passion of seeing people saved and prosper in You.”

If I may tell you, during the time Gen and I were so clueless about our upcoming journey, Tita Nars was already praying for us. Knowing that, there was a high intensity of peace that transcended my cloudy thoughts. I could not explain it, but one thing for sure was–I love being prayed for–and I love it sooooo much that the mother of the man I have been considering is praying for me! I knew that we are having a stronger foundation (more than having prayed ourselves) and this would take us to a surer road. Our parents were praying with us! In fact, they were praying for us and our future spouses even before we did (My parents did so even when we were infants–surely there were other infants somewhere on the other spots of the world who are set to walk in the fear of the Lord and those who are called to be servants of God–and they are going to be our future mates)!

I call myself blessed. And I know, you can also walk the same road of favor as you continue to uphold God’s promises for your life. Yes, keep guarding your heart, there’s so much blessing that accompany waiting (which is also defined as obedience and worship)!

Yes, I call myself very blessed–aside from the fact that I am going to be Gen’s wife, I am going to have two amazing, women-of-God-kind of mothers soon! =) =)

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