11 September 2011

perfection defined

[link from ate rhea annie tulio]

God desires a blameless, spotless bride for His Son. Somebody who is practically perfect. As I walk through this bridal season, I am humbled by the many realizations (revelations in Christianese! =D) God graciously unveils. 

He knew that the Church, the Body of Christ as the Bride of Christ, walks in compromise many times, faltering even in the least details so He unconditionally gave His Son (Romans 5:8---while we were yet singles sinners, Christ died for us!) to wash us clean. It was the Father who paid for the ransom, it was the Son who paid for the beautiful white dress of the Bride, it is for her to keep it untainted until the time her Bridegroom returns. Then she can walk the aisle of grace, everyone amazed at her beauty, mesmerized by her perfection.

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. 1Corinthians 15:10 NIV

1 comment:

aprilc said...

Nice lage ni nga music te....love it soo much! ♥

heart to heart



